News on the topic: Belarus

15.02.2008 Franak Fiachorka: ‘I am a student who does not correspond to the new conception of the journalistic faculty’

Franak says: ‘Today at 10 a.m. Siarhei Dubrovik, the dean of the journalistic faculty of the Belarusian State University, sarcastically informed me that I was expelled for ‘poor academic progress’ by the rector’s order which was signed by the provost.

12.02.2008 Young Front Supports Candidacy of Zmitser Zhaleznichenka for Student Peace Prize

The underground youth organization Young Front has supported the initiative of the Belarusian human rights activist, the Human Rights Center Viasna and the BPF Youth (youth wing of the Belarusian People’s Front Party) for nomination of an activist of the BPF Youth Zmitser Zhaleznichenka for Student Peace Prize.

23.01.2008 Katsiaryna Salauyeva expelled from university again

Young people are deprived of the right to education. Polatsak Young Front member Katsiaryna Salauyova has been expelled from university again.

10.12.2007 Youth Activist Katsiaryna Salauyova Gets Rehabilitated at University

Katsiaryna Salauyova was informed about it by the rector of Polatsk State University during an unofficial talk. However, he said that she could be expelled again after the first detention or other punishment.

07.12.2007 Activist of BPF Youth Threatened with Property Confiscation and Travel Restrictions

Today the activist of the BPF Youth Zmitser Zhaleznichenka was summonsed to Chyhunachny district court of Homel. The court marshal Dzianis Saponenka demanded from the activist explanations why he did not pay any fines.

07.12.2007 Vitsebsk: Aliaksandr Danileuski Sentenced to 180 Hours of Corrective Labor

The first-year student of the European Humanities University Aliaksandr Danileuski has been punished with 180 hours of corrective labor within the frames of the Criminal Case under article 380, part 1 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus (forging, production, usage or distribution of forged documents, seals and blanks).

05.12.2007 Polatsk: Katsiaryna Salauyova Expelled from Polatsk State University

Today the official order for Katsyaryna Salauyova’s expulsion from Polatsk State University has been signed. The activist’s group mates began to gather signatures in her support.

05.11.2007 Tsentralny Court of Homel Upholds Zhaleznichenka’s Expulsion from University

On 5 November the judge of Tsentralny court of Homel Alena Tsalkova turned up the complaint of the expelled third-year student of the mathematical faculty of Homel State University Zmitser Zhaleznichenka.

25.10.2007 Court to Continue Consideration of Student’s Suit on November 2.

Centralny court of Homel will continue the hearing of the suit filed by straight-A student Zmitser Zhaleznichenka against his expulsion on November 2nd.

24.10.2007 Hrodna Student Expelled for Participation in “Rescue Hrodna!” Campaign

One more politically motivated expulsion in Hrodna

22.10.2007 Minsk Court to Hear Aleinik’s Case

On October 22nd Minsk city court will hear thecase of Yuras Aleinik, student of the Academy of Management, member of the Belarusian Association of Journalists.

17.10.2007 Zmitser Padrez Expelled from College

he story of detention of Zmitser Padrez, activist of For Freedom Movement, in Miadzel on October 6th had an ending which is quite usual for Belarus.

11.10.2007 Women’s Party 'Nadzeya' Liquidated

The Supreme Court of Belarus satisfied the suit of the Ministry of Justice on liquidation of the Women’s Party Nadzeya. The official reason is that the party had committed a number of law violations.

05.10.2007 Vitsebsk: Court Refuses to Rehabilitate Ales Dzeravianka at University

Pershamaiski district court of Vitsebsk refused to rehabilitate a student Ales Dzeravianka at the paid form of study of the artistic-graphic faculty of Vitsebsk State University Ales Dzeravianka.

02.10.2007 Hrodna: Katsiaryna Bychak Can Be Expelled from University

Katsiaryna was an activist of the campaign for protection of the historical heritage of Hrodna. For family reasons she had to miss nine days of classes at the juridical faculty of Hrodna State University. Now the university administration tries to use this fact.

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