News on the topic: Belarus

Ministry of Education refuses to reinstate Tatsiana Shaputska at Belarusian State University

01.02.2010 Ministry of Education refuses to reinstate Tatsiana Shaputska at Belarusian State University

The first deputy minister of education at last replied to Tatsiana Shaputska, spokesperson for the Young Front, expelled from the Law Faculty of Belarusian State University in connected with her participation in the Eastern Partnership civil forum.

BSU rector refuses to reinstate Tatsiana Shaputska at university

11.01.2010 BSU rector refuses to reinstate Tatsiana Shaputska at university

The official ignored appeals of the EU and signatures of students in support of the of the Young Front spokesperson.

Expelled student appeals decision

28.12.2009 Expelled student appeals decision

The Young Front’s press-secretary Tatsiana Shaputska, expelled from Belarusian State University, following her participation in the Eastern Partnership’s Civil Society Forum, lodged a complaint with the Minister of Information.

Snow Maidens attempt to file petition with Parliament

22.12.2009 Snow Maidens attempt to file petition with Parliament

A number of human rights activists wearing the costumes of Snow Maidens and New Year hares have tried to file a petition with the Belarusian Parliament urging the officials to abolish Article 193-1 of the Criminal Code. The performance was aimed at drawing attention to criminal prosecution for illegal NGO membership after the Parliament members went into recess without even considering the issue, despite numerous statements on possible annulment of the infamous Article.

‘Young Front’ press-secretary got expelled from Belarusian State University

04.12.2009 ‘Young Front’ press-secretary got expelled from Belarusian State University

On 3 December 3 the Young Front press-secretary Tatsiana Shaputska was expelled from the faculty of law of the Belarusian State University for her participation in the Civil Society Forum of Eastern Partnership in Brussels on 16-17 November.

Poet Andrei Khadanovich: ‘The death penalty has always been a means of restraint and intimidation’

02.12.2009 Poet Andrei Khadanovich: ‘The death penalty has always been a means of restraint and intimidation’

Andrei Khadanovich, famous Belarusian poet, translator and head of the Belarusian PEN-Center, has joined the campaign for the abolition of the death penalty in Belarus.

Article 193-1: 4 years of illegal activity
Information campaign for abolition of death penalty to be carried out in Belarus, Lukashenka says

30.11.2009 Information campaign for abolition of death penalty to be carried out in Belarus, Lukashenka says

In his interview with the La Stampa Italian newspaper, President Lukashenka said an information campaign for the abolition of the death penalty in Belarus would be launched in the near future, the BELTA news agency reports.

Get Your University Statute campaign launched

30.11.2009 Get Your University Statute campaign launched

The activists of the Students’ Rada youth trade union group are going to make university administrations follow the statutes and promote awareness of students’ rights. The campaign entitled ‘Get Your University Statute!” has been launched at four major national universities, reports.

‘Right not to Shoot’ campaign launched

18.11.2009 ‘Right not to Shoot’ campaign launched

According to the UCPB’ press-service, as part of the ‘Right not to Shoot’ civil campaign, a number of Young Democrats activists, including Fiodar Maslennikau, Aliaksandr Siarheyenka and Aliaksandr Stsepanenka, distributed leaflets among students of Minsk universities, covering the issue of the alternative service and its future in Belarus. According to a preliminary public opinion poll, 56% of Minsk students have never heard of the type of service and 78% say they would like Belarusian youth to have a right to choose between the traditional and the alternative types of service.

08.09.2009 Military medics issue new diagnosis to ‘Young Front’ activist Andrei Tsianiuta

Andrei Tsyanyuta has discharged from the hospital, where he had been examined within the frames of the drafting campaign.

Provocations and detentions at ‘Battle of Orsha’2009’ festival

07.09.2009 Provocations and detentions at ‘Battle of Orsha’2009’ festival

Traditional festival Battle of Orsha was to take place near Orsha town at night of 5-6 September. The festival is traditionally held at Krapiuna Field, the historic place of the Battle of Orsha in 1514, where the army of the Great Duchy of Lithuania (predecessor of Belarus) defeated the Russian army. Police officers said a mine had been found on the field and didn’t allow people to come there.

‘Young Front’ activist Andrei Tsianiuta addressed Russian education minister concerning his expulsion from Bryans Agricultural Academy

14.08.2009 ‘Young Front’ activist Andrei Tsianiuta addressed Russian education minister concerning his expulsion from Bryans Agricultural Academy

Andrei Tsianiuta, activist of the Young Front from Homel, has addressed the Russian education minister with an open letter in connection with his recent expulsion from Bryans Agricultural Academy.

‘Young Front’ activist Andrei Tsianiuta secretly expelled from Bryansk agricultural academy

11.08.2009 ‘Young Front’ activist Andrei Tsianiuta secretly expelled from Bryansk agricultural academy

On 10 August Andrei Tsianiuta, Young Front activist from Homel, was detained near his house by policemen and taken to the military enlistment office.

Kurapaty vandals are amnestied

01.06.2009 Kurapaty vandals are amnestied

As said to the BelaPAN by the investigator of Minsk district police department Siarhei Bulko, on 30 May two Minsk dwellers, who were charged with destruction of the memorial crosses to Stalinism victims in Kurapaty forest near Minsk were amnestied.

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