News on the topic: entrepreneurs

05.02.2008 Minsk City Court Justifies Arrest of Anatol Liabedzka

The judge of Minsk city court Tatsiana Yermalovich thinks that there are no reasons to abolish the ruling of the judge Volha Husakova towards Anatol Liabedka.

05.02.2008 Entrepreneurs on Strike

In Belarus a part of individual entrepreneurs continue a strike against presidential decree #760, by which they have been prohibited to hire staff with the exception of three close relatives.

01.02.2008 Aliaksandr Vasilyeu Fined

On 1 February the judge of Pinsk city court Tatsiana Svibovich fined the activist of the campaign For Free Development of Business Aliaksandr Vasiliyeu 700 000 rubles for ‘insubordination to the police’ in connection with the events of 21 January. That day Pinsk entrepreneurs staged a spontaneous meeting near Pinsk city executive committee.

01.02.2008 Andrei Kim Faces Six Years of Jail

An activist of the youth campaign Initiative Andre Kim is charged under article 364 ‘Violent actions against a policeman’.

01.02.2008 Entrepreneurs Refuse to Pay Taxes

Belarusian entrepreneurs begin a mass campaign on refusing to pay taxes from today.

31.01.2008 Local authorities fight with internet

An article about the arrest of an activist of the entrepreneurs’ movement was withdrawn from the site of Sviatlahorsk newspaper «Ranak-plus», Bulletin-online reports.

On January, 23rd newspaper «Ranak-plus» published an article by Aliaksandar Sivak «Convicted for Participating in Rally». The publication read about the legal process against Sviatlahorsk entrepreneur Anatol Zmitrovich who was arrested for participating in a non-sanctioned rally of entrepreneurs in Minsk on January, 10th.

30.01.2008 Navumau threatens entrepreneurs with criminal cases

50 people may be brought to justice for participation in the unauthorized action held in Minsk on January 10th, Minister of internal affairs Uladzimir Navumau said.

29.01.2008 Larysa Nasanovich arrested for 15 days

Today Judge of Salihorski district court Aliaksandar Burautsou arrested civic activist Larysa Nasanovich for 15 days. She was charged with participation in an unauthorized rally of entrepreneurs in Salihorski on January 28th.

29.01.2008 Siarhei Parsiukevich beaten in Akrestsina jail

Yesterday Siarhei Parsiukevich, an entrepreneur from Vitebsk, was released from Minsk Akrestsina jail. Parsiukevich was arrested on January 10th. He says, last Monday he was beaten by a police officer. Forensim medical examination confirms, Parsiukevich has numerous bruises and injuries on his body. According to the victim, he also had marks of him being strangled, but they disappeared after a week.

Parsiukevich has asthma and a chronic stomach disease. He says he still did not apply to the law-enforcing bodies about his beating. He says he is too weak for that. The police officer who beat Parsiukevich accused the prisoner of attacking him. At that moment the prosecutor’s office is checking the facts.

On February 4th Parsiukevich is to come to Minsk to another conversation with the investigators.

29.01.2008 Entrepreneurs Tsatsura and Nasanovich detained in Salihorsk

On January 28th, about 5 p.m. entrepreneurs Aliaksandar Tsatsura and Larysa Nasanovich were detained on the central square in Salihorsk. They collected signatures of Salihorsk residents in support of small businessmen, and for withdrawal of edict #760, which prohibits entrepreneurs from hiring workers.

More than 50 people came to the building of Salihorsk district administration. The police drew up reports; the detained will have to spend the night in the pre-trial center. Tomorrow Tsatsura and Nasanovich will be tried.

28.01.2008 Entrepreneur Ales Makayeu released from jail on Sunday

Ales Makayeu, member of the Entrepreneurs’ coordination council, was released early, at 8 a.m. His term was to be officially over at 11.30 a.m. Mr. Makayeu refused to eat during all 15 days of his arrest.

28.01.2008 Entrepreneurs wait for authorities to decide

It’s a day off today at Minsk markets. Entrepreneurs hope the authorities will take certain steps to regulate the conflict soon. Entrepreneurs hope that during the week the authorities will propose a way out that would allow them to keep their jobs. They plan to continue street actions and other events if edict # 760 is not cancelled.

23.01.2008 One of the detained entrepreneurs disappeared

An entrepreneur from Homel Uladzimir Niapomniashchy was detained by police during the protest action on January 21st. He spent the night in Akrestsina jail. However, yesterday his case was not considered by administrative courts. Human rights defenders are trying to find out what happened with the entrepreneur.

22.01.2008 Results of trials over the detained during the entrepreneurs’ action on January 21st . (The list is updated regularly.)

Centralny and Maskouski courts of Minsk are trying the detained activists and citizens during the entrepreneurs’ rally on January 21st. The list is updated regularly.

Many of the detained have been beaten by policemen in the Central police department. They say they were beaten yesterday in the evening and today in the morning, on the way from the police station to the court. Earlier officers of the Centralny police department did not allow themselves to do that.

1. Vadzim Barouski, Centralny court of Minsk, judge Tatsiana Pauliuchuk, fined 700, 000 BYR; article 23.34 of the Administrative Code. 2. Artur Petsko, Maskouski district court of Minsk, article 23.34 of the Administrative Code, 15 days of jail.

21.01.2008 List of the detained during entrepreneurs’ rally on January 21st (updated regularly)

Some corrections and inaccuracies are possible. According to information from our activists, more than 20 people were detained. Now we are trying to find out their names.

1. Mikhail Subach, taken to Centralny police department 2. Lilia Subach, taken to Centralny police department 3. Alina Hladkaya, taken to Centralny police department 4. Yury Bakur (theer are 9 more detained people together with him in the police department) 5. Andrei Sharenda 6. Andrei Sauchuk 7. Tamara Sauchuk

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