News on the topic: elections-2008

09.09.2008 Dziatlava: TV shows news instead of candidate’s appearance

On 5 September, at 5.30-6.30 pm the speech of a candidate from the Party of Communists Belarusian Yanina Huzouskaya was to have been broadcast on the Lad TV channel. Instead, at this time there was shown the news of Brest TV studio. Thus, the electors of Dziatlava and other settlements were deprived of the opportunity to familiarize with the candidate.

09.09.2008 Baranavichy: Yarmoshyna’s ‘right’ approach

Karnei Piatrovich, an election observer from the Belarusian Helsinki Committee, received an answer from the Central electoral commission to his appeal. The observer asked whether it was right of the state mass media to publish only the surnames, names and patronymic names of the people who were included in precinct electoral commission, and whether it was legal that all precinct commissions of electoral constituency #5 were composed on the following principle: workers of a working collective + its boss at the head of the commission. At the same time, no opposition’s representatives were included in these commissions, though the appropriate requests were submitted by them to the constituency electoral commission. Another problem Karnei Piatrovich faces is that the precinct commissions conceal the time of their sittings.

09.09.2008 Hrodna: black PR against oppositional activists

An anonymous article on behalf of a ‘democratic activist’ was published at a popular web-portal Hrodnenski forum. In this publication it is stated that the leaders of Hrodna organizations of the oppositional parties were living at the expense of the West, building posh houses and buying expensive cars.

09.09.2008 Smarhon: Kanstantsin Ulasevich hopes for Supreme Court

On 8 September Mikalai Ulasevich appealed to the Supreme Court against his non-registration as a candidate for the parliament.

09.09.2008 Oppositional candidate gets detained during electoral speech on TV

Kanstantsin Zhukouski, representative of the Belarusian Christian democracy Party, MP candidate in Buda-Kashaliova constituency (Homel region) was guarded to the local police department and was denied an opportunity of shooting propaganda video on the Homel oblast TV.

08.09.2008 Minsk: candidates not registered because of tangled division of territory between electoral constituencies

Violations of the electoral legislation by the pretenders during collection of signatures in Minsk are a result of a tangled determination of the territories of the electoral constituencies, which had been performed by the Central electoral commission. This conclusion was reached by Halina Siamdzianava, who on 3-4 September was present as a member with the right of advisory vote at the sittings of the Central electoral commission at which the complaints of the people who had been denied registration as candidates were considered.

08.09.2008 Baranavichy: two applications for pickets

Citizens of Baranavichy have submitted to Baranavichy city executive committee two applications requiring permission to hold pickets in connection with injustice during the electoral campaign. The people want to protest against non-registration of a writer, ambulance doctor, member of the Party of Communists Belarusian Alexander Halkevich, who intended to run for parliament at Baranavichy-Eastern electoral constituency #6.

08.09.2008 Electoral commission demands explanations from independent candidate Siarhei Kuzmianok

The independent candidate for parliament at Hrodna-Zaniomanskaya electoral constituency #49 Siarhei Kuzmianok will have to give explanations to the constituency electoral commission concerning the activities that concern his agitation campaign.

08.09.2008 Radio ‘Stalitsa’ broadcasts the speech of candidate Viktar Harbachou in wrong time

According to the candidate for deputy Viktar Harbachou, the radio station Stalitsa violated the schedule of broadcasting the deputies’ speeches and broadcast his speech earlier. The speech was to have put on the air on 4 September at 6.20 pm, and Harbachou warned his adherents about it. Instead, his speech was broadcast at 6.05 pm and by the time the people turned on their radio, the speech had been over.

08.09.2008 Candidate gets sound cut off for calls not to vote early

On 5 September the addresses of candidates for deputies in Vitsebsk Chyhunachny constituency # were televised by Vitsebsk regional TV on Lad channel.

05.09.2008 Brest oblast: Jack of all trades Nina Fedaruk

On 23 august the state newspaper Narodnaya Trybuna (distributed on the territory of Brest oblast) published an article With relish! Mushroom salad in which Nina Fedaruk, a pretender for candidate at Mukhavets electoral constituency #4 and a deputy of the present parliament, told the readers that she liked household choirs, her family and home… She even proposed to the readers the recipe of her mushroom salad.

05.09.2008 Mahiliou: youth activists are expelled from university

The coordinator of the Belarusian Christian Democracy Party Tatsiana Shambalava and a leader of Mahiliou organization of the Young Front Rastsislau Pankratau are expelled from Mahiliou State University.

05.09.2008 Central electoral commission calls candidate’s complaint unethical

A candidate at Babruisk-Pershamaiskay electoral constituency #79 Mikhail Kavalkou received an answer to his complaint, signed by the head of the Central electoral commission Lidziya Yarmoshyna.

05.09.2008 Minsk: candidate Viktar Yanchurevich intends to hold 23 electoral pickets

A candidate at Kalinouskaya electoral constituency in Minsk, adherent of the movement For Freedom Viktar Yanchurevich has addressed the city authorities to require permission for holding 23 pickets. He intends to meet with the electors during each day of his agitation campaign and tell him about his electoral program. He is also going to inform them about the ‘peculiarities’ of the present elections and the general political situation in the country.

05.09.2008 Past week of the electoral campaign: events and generalizations

The main events this week were the beginning of the agitation campaign of candidates for deputies and the consideration by the Central electoral commission of the complaints of the people who had not been registered as candidates. After the CEC considered the complaints, eight more candidates were registered.

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