News for September 2003
22.09.2003 Human Rights Directorate of Caucasus Expresses Support to the Viasna and Other Belarusian NGOs
Human Rights Directorate of Caucasus Expresses Support to the Viasna and Other Belarusian NGOs
22.09.2003 Non-governmental organizations are going through an extremely difficult period. Spring and summer of 2003 was especially tough for everybody. Observers say the authorities were “cleansing” the third sector.
Non-governmental organizations are going through an extremely difficult period. Spring and summer of 2003 was especially tough for everybody. Observers say the authorities were “cleansing” the third sector.
22.09.2003 Non-governmental organizations are going through an extremely difficult period. Spring and summer of 2003 was especially tough for everybody. Observers say the authorities were “cleansing” the third sector.
Non-governmental organizations are going through an extremely difficult period. Spring and summer of 2003 was especially tough for everybody. Observers say the authorities were “cleansing” the third sector.
19.09.2003 Russian “Human Rights Net” Stands for “Viasna”
Russian “Human Rights Net” Stands for “Viasna”
19.09.2003 AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL: Human Rights Defenders under Pressure in Belarus
AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL: Human Rights Defenders under Pressure in Belarus
18.09.2003 Aliaksandr Yarashuk Sentenced to 10 Days of Jail for Newspaper Article
Aliaksandr Yarashuk Sentenced to 10 Days of Jail for Newspaper Article
18.09.2003 “BDG” Trial Will Continue
“BDG” Trial Will Continue
18.09.2003 “Lutskevich Brothers Fund” Is Liquidated
“Lutskevich Brothers Fund” Is Liquidated
18.09.2003 Aksana Novikava Fined 2 100 000 Rubles for Questions to President
Aksana Novikava Fined 2 100 000 Rubles for Questions to President
18.09.2003 BAJ Organizes Day of Closed Newspapers
BAJ Organizes Day of Closed Newspapers
18.09.2003 The International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) and the World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT), in the framework of their joint programme, the Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders, express their deepest concern at the impending opening of a liquidation suit against the Belarus Human Rights NGO Viasna, and at the liquidation of Legal Assistance to Population.
The International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) and the World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT), in the framework of their joint programme, the Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders, express their deepest concern at the impending opening of a liquidation suit against the Belarus Human Rights NGO Viasna, and at the liquidation of Legal Assistance to Population.
17.09.2003 Appeal of Human Rights Center "Viasna"
Appeal of Human Rights Center "Viasna"
17.09.2003 EU Ambassadors Meet with Representatives of Belarusian NGOs
EU Ambassadors Meet with Representatives of Belarusian NGOs
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2003: December November October September August July June May April March February January