News for July 2020

Immediately release Pavel Seviarynets!

10.07.2020 Immediately release Pavel Seviarynets!

Joint statement of human rights and other civil society organizations of Belarus

Siarhei Sparysh is new political prisoner

10.07.2020 Siarhei Sparysh is new political prisoner

The human rights community of Belarus has called Siarhei Sparysh, an activist of the Narodnaya Hramada party facing charges under part 1 of Art. 342 of the Criminal Code (organization or active participation in group actions that grossly violate public order), a political prisoner.

Key international human rights groups call UN HRC to renew mandate of Special Rapporteur on Belarus

10.07.2020 Key international human rights groups call UN HRC to renew mandate of Special Rapporteur on Belarus

Amnesty International, Civil Rights Defenders, Human Rights House Foundation, Human Rights Watch and FIDH are urging the UN Human Rights Council to renew the mandate of Special Rapporteur on the human rights situation in Belarus at its 44th session opened on June 30.

MPs take over godparenthood for political prisoners in Belarus

09.07.2020 MPs take over godparenthood for political prisoners in Belarus

Exactly one month before the presidential elections in Belarus, the German-Swiss human rights organisation Libereco – Partnership for Human Rights has launched a solidarity campaign for political prisoners in the EU neighbouring state.

Two political prisoners released before trial

09.07.2020 Two political prisoners released before trial

Vasil Babrouski and Uladzimir Navumik, both earlier charged under Art. 342 of the Criminal Code (“breaching public order”), have been released from pre-trial detention.

Another person facing charges in Tsikhanouski’s ‘disturbances’ case

09.07.2020 Another person facing charges in Tsikhanouski’s ‘disturbances’ case

Siarhei Sparysh, spokesperson for Nardonaya Hramada, an opposition movement led by former political prisoner Mikalai Statkevich, is facing charges under Part 1 Art. 342 of the Criminal Code (preparation for or active participation in actions that grossly violate public order).

Government slashes campaigning locations in attempt to sterilize elections

07.07.2020 Government slashes campaigning locations in attempt to sterilize elections

Following an unprecedented crackdown on presidential nominees and members of their campaign teams, the authorities have opted to minimize the outreach of the upcoming campaigning phase of the presidential election set for August 9.

FIDH asks Belarus to allow Viasna attend pardon hearing in death penalty case

06.07.2020 FIDH asks Belarus to allow Viasna attend pardon hearing in death penalty case

The International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) has written to the Belarusian authorities urging them to allow Valiantsin Stefanovich, Viasna human rights defender and FIDH vice-president, to attend the hearing of the petition for pardon filed with the presidential commission in the case of the death row prisoners Kostseu brothers.

Human rights groups call to release Babaryka campaign activists

06.07.2020 Human rights groups call to release Babaryka campaign activists

The human rights organizations of Belarus insist on the immediate and unconditional release of Alena Karahachava and Dzmitry Karaka, members of Viktar Babaryka’s campaign team.

Amnesty International calls to release veteran activist Pavel Seviarynets

06.07.2020 Amnesty International calls to release veteran activist Pavel Seviarynets

Amnesty International has launched an urgent action forcing the Belarusian authorities to release known opposition activist Pavel Seviarynets who is reportedly ill-treated while serving 75 days of administrative detention.

Human Rights Situation in Belarus: June 2020

02.07.2020 Human Rights Situation in Belarus: June 2020

The election campaign is taking place against the background of continuous repressions, in an atmosphere of intimidation of society. In June, the overall human rights situation in the country deteriorated sharply.

UN experts demand end to crackdown on protesters in Belarus ahead of elections

01.07.2020 UN experts demand end to crackdown on protesters in Belarus ahead of elections

UN experts today demanded that Belarus refrains from violence against peaceful protesters ahead of 9 August presidential elections. They urged the Government to abandon its policy of arbitrary arrests, violence and intimidation against civil society activists.

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