News on the topic: political parties & movements

Ivan Shyla summoned to court

16.12.2013 Ivan Shyla summoned to court

Ivan Shyla, activist of the Young Front movement, was summoned to the Court of Salihorsk district on December 19. This was reported to local human rights defenders by the activist’s parents. The reason is the alleged debt for penalties awarded to him when he was sixteen. Ivan himself is currently studying in Poland.

Salihorsk human rights defenders analyze gender equality among executive officials

16.12.2013 Salihorsk human rights defenders analyze gender equality among executive officials

Salihorsk activists of the Belarusian Helsinki Committee analyzed the composition of local district executive committee for its compliance with the principle of gender equality and voiced their comments and suggestions.

Brest: two pickets held on Human Rigths Day

11.12.2013 Brest: two pickets held on Human Rigths Day

One of the pickets was organized by the chair of the Brest regional branch of the Trade Union of Radio Electronic Industry Zinaida Mikhniuk, and the other – by the human rights activist Uladzimir Vialichkin. At the picket organized by the TUREI, the people spoke about the protection of workers' rights, while participants of the other one demanded freedom for political prisoners, holding posters with portraits of political prisoners and postcards with Ales Bialiatski behind bars.

Uladzimir Yaromenak to be imprisoned on 11 December

09.12.2013 Uladzimir Yaromenak to be imprisoned on 11 December

Today Uladzimir Yaromenak has been informed about the day when he will start serving three months arrest. He must come to the Pershamaiski District Police Department with his personal belongings on 11 December. From there he will be taken to the prison in Valadarski Street.

09.12.2013 Andrei Tsianiuta gets fined

The co-chairman of the “Young Front” and a participant of the campaign "Stop Drinking – Start Living!” Andrei Tsianiuta received a “gratitude” and “reward” from the city authorities for distributing anti-alcohol information – he was fined 25 basic units by the Administrative Commission of the Savetski District of Homel.

Statement of the Human Rights Center “Viasna” and the Belarusian Helsinki Committee on the sentence to Vasil Parfiankou

06.12.2013 Statement of the Human Rights Center “Viasna” and the Belarusian Helsinki Committee on the sentence to Vasil Parfiankou

The Human Rights Center "Viasna" and the republican NGO “Belarusian Helsinki Committeee” regard the sentencing of the public activist Vasil Parfiankou to imprisonment for violation of preventive supervision as politically motivated persecution.

No space for independent NGOs and opposition at city conference in Babruisk

06.12.2013 No space for independent NGOs and opposition at city conference in Babruisk

The local media reported about the city conference, which, as it turned out, was held in late November and was attended by public associations, which presented their activities.

06.12.2013 Dashkevich may face stricter police supervision

Zmitser Dashkevich, a co-chairman of Young Front, has been warned about a possible extension and toughening the preventive supervision.

Bykhau authorities refuse to present information about the sites for holding mass events

06.12.2013 Bykhau authorities refuse to present information about the sites for holding mass events

On 3 December Bykhau writer and journalist Siarhei Antonau received a response from the local executive committee to his appeal to the chairman, Dzmitry Kaleyeu, in which he asked to determine a site for holding pickets in Bykhau.

Babruisk UCP files an application for a picket of solidarity with Ukrainians

04.12.2013 Babruisk UCP files an application for a picket of solidarity with Ukrainians

Viktar Buzinayeu, the chairman of the Babruisk UCP organization, filed an application for holding a picket of solidarity with the Ukrainian people.

Homel: trials for “Dziady” (“Forefathers Eve”) action

04.12.2013 Homel: trials for “Dziady” (“Forefathers Eve”) action

The member of the United Civil Party Uladzimir Shytsikau received a summons to the Navabelitski District Court of Homel for consideration of the administrative case, according to which the head of the division of public order of the Navabelitski District Police Department of Homel, Lieutenant Colonel Henadz Khilkevich accuses him of violating the order of organizing and holding mass events. The trial is scheduled for 10 December.

Brest UCP organization eager to hold a procession in support of the Ukrainian people

04.12.2013 Brest UCP organization eager to hold a procession in support of the Ukrainian people

Brest regional organization of the United Civil Party filed an application for holding a procession in Lenin Street on 21 December.

02.12.2013 Andrei Tsianiuta: teach the police

The co-chairman of the “Young Front” Andrei Tsianiuta has filed a complaint to the chairman of the Savetski District Police Department of Homel. There he claims to have been detained on 16 November 2013 by the police and released in two hours without getting any charges. On 27 November Mr. Tsianiuta received a copy of the report of an administrative offence.

House of Representatives doesn't distinguish the Belarusian language from Russian

02.12.2013 House of Representatives doesn't distinguish the Belarusian language from Russian

Member of the United Civil Party Viktar Malochka received an answer from the House of Representatives to his complaint concerning a violation of the language legislation by two MPs from the Salihorsk district, Yauhen Abalenski and Taisa Danilevich.

Young Front co-chair asks Homel police chief to teach employees to write reports

29.11.2013 Young Front co-chair asks Homel police chief to teach employees to write reports

On November 29, co-chair of the "Malady Front" youth opposition movement Andrei Tsianiuta complained to the chief of the police department of Homel’s Savetski district. In his complaint, the activist writes that on November 16 he was detained by the police for posting anti-alcohol leaflets. The policemen took him to the station and two hours later he released without charges.

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