News on the topic: ecological rights

Vitsebsk: public hearing is over, the questions remain

16.03.2015 Vitsebsk: public hearing is over, the questions remain

March 13, a public hearing concerningthe felling of four trees and two lilac bushes near the Vitsebsk regional library named after Lenin was held in Vitsebsk. The hearing was held outdoors and was attended by about 30 people.

Vitsebsk: people will be let to public hearing only after showing their passports

11.03.2015 Vitsebsk: people will be let to public hearing only after showing their passports

It is interesting that the “public hearing” will be held not in some official building, but outdoors, near the regional library named after Lenin. Nevertheless, Vitsebsk City Executive Committee warns that the people who intend to take part in the hearing need to take their passports with them.

Sanitary zone destroyed for a new hypermarket (photo report)

10.02.2015 Sanitary zone destroyed for a new hypermarket (photo report)

Despite protests from local residents, the destruction of the green space at the intersection of 50 Hod VLKSM and Lunkou streets in Babruisk has begun. The local authorities gave this territory to the "Inproma Group" for construction of the hypermarket "OMA".

Maladzechna residents oppose construction of large pigstries

02.12.2014 Maladzechna residents oppose construction of large pigstries

November 29 in Maladzechna local human rights activists held a meeting of the lawyer of the association “Green Network” Tatsiana Sinitsa with opponents of building two huge pigstries on the territory of Maladzechna district.

Ecological picket banned in Salihorsk

11.09.2014 Ecological picket banned in Salihorsk

Salihorsk City Executive Committee did not authorize a picket in the central square, aimed at collecting signatures for a healthy environment.

Mahiliou: green zone and playground destroyed in favor of parking lot

08.08.2014 Mahiliou: green zone and playground destroyed in favor of parking lot

Mahiliou citizens oppose the construction of the parking lot. The initiative group, headed by a local pensioner Tamara, has collected 200 signatures from local residents, which have been submitted to the Mahiliou authorities.

Salihorsk residents protest against illegal construction of road through their yard

06.08.2014 Salihorsk residents protest against illegal construction of road through their yard

The illegal construction of a highway through the yard area in one of the districts of Salihorsk has caused a widespread discontent with the locals. Officers of the district executive committee and the board of capital construction rushed to extinguish the “fire of people's anger”.

Brest: Social Democrats appeal actions of executive committee complain to prosecutor and State Control Committee

05.08.2014 Brest: Social Democrats appeal actions of executive committee complain to prosecutor and State Control Committee

The reason for the appeal was the information that the Brest Regional Executive Committee lent a ten-kilomenter part of the river of Mukhavets from the Border of Brest to the border with the Zhabinka district.

Homel authorities violate terms for answering while banning ecological picket

11.07.2014 Homel authorities violate terms for answering while banning ecological picket

June 18, a campaigner of "People's Control" Andrei Melnikau applied to Homel City Executive Committee for permission to a picket aimed at drawing public attention to the poor state of water bodies within the boundaries of Homel.

Monitoring report on the results of observation of the mass event “Chernobyl Way march - 2014”

02.05.2014 Monitoring report on the results of observation of the mass event “Chernobyl Way march - 2014”

Certain aspects of the results of observation, analysis of compliance with international standards of mass action in the sphere of freedom of peaceful assembly, as well as recommendations for governmental officials and organizers of the mass event are noted in the following report.

Another hearing concerning the construction of a bleach pulp plant was held on 6 November

07.11.2013 Another hearing concerning the construction of a bleach pulp plant was held on 6 November

The third hearing on the environmental lawsuit regarding the construction of the bleached pulp plant was held on 6 November in Svetlahorsk. As it became known to the website from the press release the court was provided with materials that the European Union and Russia refuse to use chlorine dioxide – a hazardous substance that is going to be used at the plant in Svetlahorsk.

Brest Social Democrats express their protest against the disregard of the public opinion by the city authorities

11.10.2013 Brest Social Democrats express their protest against the disregard of the public opinion by the city authorities

The reason for the statement made by the local organization of the Belarusian Social Democratic Party (Hramad) are the plans to build another shopping center in the territory, proposed for a public square.

Action about the danger of Astravets nuclear power plant carried out in Salihorsk

13.09.2013 Action about the danger of Astravets nuclear power plant carried out in Salihorsk

Democratic activists from Minsk held an informational campaign in Salihorsk, dedicated to the problem of the construction of the Astravets Nuclear Power Plant. They distributed in the city the edition “Astravets. Rehiyon” with the information about the danger presented to the country by the status of a nuclear state. According to the human rights defenders, the action went without incidents, none of its participants were detained.

Dwellers of Pershamaiski District of Minsk intend to hold a local referendum

13.09.2013 Dwellers of Pershamaiski District of Minsk intend to hold a local referendum

Residents of the Pershamaiski district of Minsk intend to hold a local referendum on the development of their neighborhoods. Minsk residents are dissatisfied with the compaction of the living areas and cutting of the green zones.

Will Pruzhany authorities listen to sober voice of local residents?

09.09.2013 Will Pruzhany authorities listen to sober voice of local residents?

Pruzhany residents demand to transfer to another place the alcohol shop “Sklad”, belonging to the Brest Distillery Plant, which has been opened recently opposite secondary school No. 4. The people consider such placement of the shop as harmful for children and teenagers.

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