News on the topic: elections-2008

15.08.2008 Homel: procuracy upholds dismissal from work for oppositional pretender for candidate

One of the tendencies of electoral campaign’2008 is that potential candidates that are not nominated by the regime are threatened with dismissal from work or even dismissed. The law enforcing agencies usually close their eyes to such actions. One of the latest exampled is the reaction of the procuracy to the dismissal threats received by a pretender for candidate at Buda-Kashaliova constituency Kanstantsin Zhukouski.

15.08.2008 Slutsk: student rebuked for collecting signatures in support of social democrat

A student of the technical college, member of the initiative group of a candidate from the Belarusian Social Democratic Party (Hramada) Anatol Yurevich Iryna Maksimenka was pressurized by the deputy head of Slutsk district executive committee Piatro Dauhuchyts. He received a rebuke and was threatened with expulsion from the college. Dauhuchyts demanded that he stopped collecting signatures for Yurevich.

15.08.2008 Minsk: little information about personnel of precinct commissions

According to the preliminary information for 14 August, the majority of oppositional candidates were not appointed to the precinct electoral commissions in Minsk. Almost all district executive committees refuse to give any precise information to the interested parties.

15.08.2008 Kletsk: state newspaper wishes pro-governmental candidate ‘to be supported by electors’

On 26 July 2008 a large interview with the schoolmaster from the village of Shepichy Alena Novik was published in Da Novykh Peramoh, a state newspaper distributed on the territory of Kletsk district. In the first paragraph the article’s author spared no compliments. He described both her and work achievements.

15.08.2008 Vaukavysk: observer given no information

Vaukavysk constituency electoral commission #48 refused to show the lists of personnel of the formed precinct commissions to observer Viktar Huliak. They said that these lists would be printed in the local newspaper which would be issued on Saturday.

15.08.2008 Barysau: none of Salash’s adherents get to precinct commissions

Siarhei Salash is a member of the Belarusian Popular Front Party who intends to run at Barysau village constituency #63. Eleven persons who sympathize to him tried to the precinct commissions of that constituency.

15.08.2008 Zhlobin and Rahachou constituencies: one representative of opposition appointed to electoral commission

No representatives of the united democratic forces were included in precinct electoral commissions in Zhlobin constituency, and only one was included in its neighbor, Rahachou constituency. The appropriate sittings of Zhlobin and district executive committees were held on 13 August.

15.08.2008 Homel oblast: seven UDF representatives included in precinct commissions

In Homel oblast the united democratic forces nominated 214 candidates to precinct commissions. None of them were included in the commissions in Homel. In Homel oblast only seven persons were included: in the towns of Rechytsa, Rahachou and Lelchytsy.

15.08.2008 Candidate Dzmitry Niafiodau withdraws from ‘elections’

An independent candidate for deputy Dzmitry Nyafyodau has stated his intention not to take part in the parliamentary elections because of growing pressure on members of his initiative group. He wanted to take part in the elections in Autazavodski district of Minsk, constituency #92.

15.08.2008 Procuracy ignores complaint about violations of electoral laws

On 21 July civil activist Pavel Nazdra addressed Homel oblast procuracy with a complaint about violations of the electoral laws. According to Article 49 of the Electoral Code such complaints must be considered within ten-day term. Now Mr. Nazdra complains against inaction of the oblast procuracy to the general procuracy and the Central electoral commission.

15.08.2008 Minsk oblast: observers are prevented from getting information about formation of precinct commissions

On 12 August the district executive committees of Minsk oblast held their sittings on formation of precinct electoral commissions on elections to the Chamber of Representatives of the National Assembly. Observers from the Belarusian Helsinki Committee sent in advance official requirements for their admission to the sittings of Salihorsk, Kapyl, Slutsk, Kletsk and Niasvizh district executive commissions.

14.08.2008 Information about registration of initiative groups

According to the present legislation (Article 65 of the Electoral Code) nomination of candidates for deputies to the Chamber of Representatives of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus can be conducted by means of collection of electors’ signatures by a group of not less than 10 citizens (initiative group). The list of the members of an initiative group (in which its head must be specified) and the application for registration of the initiative group must be submitted to a constituent electoral commission not later than 65 days prior to the Election Day. These documents are to be submitted by the person who seeks nomination as a candidate for deputy. The list must include the following data: name, patronymic, surname, birth date, profession, position (employment), place of work, place of residence and membership in parties for the person who intends to become a candidate for deputy; the name, patronymic, surname, birth date and the place of residence for each member of the initiative group.

14.08.2008 Svetlahorsk: why electors cannot watch formation of precinct commissions?

On 12 August Svetlahorsk district executive committee (DEC) held a sitting on forming of precinct electoral commissions. The head of the DEC Siarhei Maksimenka did not admit to the sitting a member of the Belarusian Popular Front Party Vadzim Bolbas who wanted to watch the formation of the commissions.

14.08.2008 Homel: activist of united democratic forces Ales Sivakou is dismissed from job

In Homel the democratic activist Ales Sivakou, the head of the initiative group of Kanstantsin Zhukouski, is fired from Homelkhlebpram enterprise. According to the activist, the marketing director of the enterprise told him to write an application for dismissal on his own free will, because otherwise he would be dismissed under an article of the Labor Code and the information would be put in his service record.

14.08.2008 Hrodna: early agitation for pro-governmental candidates continues

The agitation for pro-governmental candidates acquires new forms. Colored posters of the candidate Siarhei Maskevich who intends to run at Tsentralnaya constituency #50 in Hrodna were hanged out at the check-up of the driveshaft factory. The posters include the candidate’s photo and CV and call electors to vote for him.

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