News for 10 Dec 2007
10.12.2007 Belarusian Authorities Defy Human Rights. Statement of Human Rights Center ‘Viasna’
Human Rights Center 'Viasna' states with a grave concern that Belarus does not respect the fundamental civil and political rights. The violations of these rights are systematic. They are defined by the conscious politics of the state authorities and their top leaders...
10.12.2007 Valery Misnikau – Another Victim of Punitive Psychiatry
Since 16 November a former teacher of history and law from Vitsebsk Valery Misnikau has been kept at the oblast psychiatric hospital 'Slabodka' in Braslau. This human rights activist, who called himself ‘civil prosecutor’, has often undergone legal persecution for his public activities.
10.12.2007 Action of Vitsebsk Entrepreneurs
On 10 December more than 50 entrepreneurs of Vitebsk lined in a queue to Vitsebsk oblast center of social employment. The administration of the center did not manage to answer the questions about what they could do not to become the center’s clients.
10.12.2007 Meeting of Entrepreneurs Takes Place athwart Provocations of Authorities
At 12 a.m. on 10 December in Kastrychnitskaya Square a meeting of entrepreneurs started. Here’s the chronology of the events.
10.12.2007 Masty: Ales Zarembiuk Accused of Unauthorized Picketing
As Ales Zarembiuk told Radio 'Racyja'¸ on 10 December he received a telephone call from the senior inspector of the law and order section of Masty district police department Aliaksandr Danilchyk. The inspector asked the activist to come to the police department. He explained that he had brought to the prosecutor’s office Zarembiuk’s explanatory note concerning a recent meeting of Aliaksandr Milinkevich with the citizens of Masty and the prosecutor’s office ordered him to compose on Zarembiuk a report for organization of unauthorized meeting. Ales Zarembiuk refused to come to the police department without official summons.
10.12.2007 Police Detain ‘Young Front’ Activist Barys Haretski
The activist of the 'Young Front' and journalist of Radio 'Racyja' Barys Haretski was detained in Kalinouski Square during the meeting of entrepreneurs and taken to Tsentralny district police department of Minsk. There reasons for the detention are not known yet.
10.12.2007 Barys Khamaida Holds 10 December Action in Vitsebsk
Today the activist-veteran Barys Khamaida congratulated the citizens of Vitsebsk on the Universal Day of Human Rights Day.
10.12.2007 Youth Activist Katsiaryna Salauyova Gets Rehabilitated at University
Katsiaryna Salauyova was informed about it by the rector of Polatsk State University during an unofficial talk. However, he said that she could be expelled again after the first detention or other punishment.
10.12.2007 Viktar Ivashkevich Arrested
On 10 December the police detained the vice-chairman of the Belarusian People’s Front Party Viktar Ivashkevich. He was detained while walking near Kastrychnitskaya Square and taken to Tsentralny district police department of Minsk.
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