News for 30 Jan 2009
30.01.2009 Political analyst Chavusau comments on Nasha Viasna registration
‘The case of Nasha Viasna is one of the most significant issues that could become an evidence of positive changes in the field of the freedom of association in Belarus. Viasna was closed down along with hundreds of other Belarusian NGOs as a result of a mass liquidation campaign by the Ministry of Justice. It was later supported by the UN Human Rights Committee and the EU Parliament, who stress the significance of the matter for the reform of the Belarusian civil society. So I hope that the Belarusian authorities will have the foresight to abide by the law and grant registration the Nasha Viasna human rights organization, along with other NGOs, still lacking official status.’
30.01.2009 Belaruski chas newspaper faces $1,000,000 fine for information workers received
Vorsha meat-preserving factory’s general director demands weekly “Belaruski chas” to disprove article “Hashed beef as a wage”. The newspaper editorial office has made a statement on this occasion. “In the end of January rumours that Vorsha meat-preserving factory gives wages in the form of canned meat. But when our author Liudmila Marshalovich sent the ready article, it has been found out that there were no problems in that: wage in the form of money hasn’t been cancelled, and canned meat was given to those who wanted that, according to an agreement concluded by the enterprise. There were no violations or infringements of workers’ rights. And we published this information like that,” journalists of “Belarusiki chas” write.
30.01.2009 Anti-conscription action to be held in New-York
The Belarusian Youth Movement of America calls upon the Belarusians of the USA, Canada and other countries to support the youth activists Ivan Shyla, Franak Viachorka and Zmitser Khvedaruk in their struggle against the politically motivated conscriptions to the Belarusian army and hold a number of actions in front of Belarusian embassies in various countries of the world. The campaign will include a picket in front of the UN headquarters in New-York on 7 February.
30.01.2009 Famous TV announcer Bandarenka joins anti-death penalty campaign
Zinaida Bandarenka, Honoured artist of Belarus, says the state should implement its humanistic commitments de-facto. ‘I think that there should be no executions in the Christian Belarus. Man is the work of God and therefore he should live. In case he commits a brutal crime, he is sure to be punished after death. Let alone the numerous mistakes of court. We will never forget the notorious Vitsebsk case. We are so often told that we are a civilized state, so we should be civilized and abolish capital punishment in Belarus.’
30.01.2009 Liabedzka’s property to be confiscated
According to BelaPAN, the United Civil Party leader Anatol Liabedzka has received a notice saying that his property would be distrained on 2 February by Minsk Tsentralny Borough Court executors. The notice does not name any reasons for the confiscation. However, Liabedzka thinks this is connected with the 14 October 2007 European March, when he, as one of the organizers of the action, was fined BYR 2,100,000.
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