News on the topic: political parties & movements

Rahachou: KGB doesn't return Dzianis Dashkevich his pneumatic gun

06.06.2013 Rahachou: KGB doesn't return Dzianis Dashkevich his pneumatic gun

Social activist, coordinator of the organizing committee of the Belarusian Christian Democracy Party in Rahachou Dzianis Dashkevich still hasn't been returned his pneumatic gun, confiscated by the KGB almost 2.5 years ago, during the last presidential campaign.

Orsha: inaction of authorities puts people's lives in danger

05.06.2013 Orsha: inaction of authorities puts people's lives in danger

Danger to the lives of citizens of Orsha doesn't seem to worry the local officials too much. Such a conclusion can be drawn from the correspondence of the Orsha activists of the organizing committee of the Belarusian Christian Democracy with the traffic police, Ministry of Emergency Situations and bus fleet over the emergency state of a bridge.

03.06.2013 Vitsebsk regional BCD assembly disrupted by authorities

The regional assembly of the Belarusian Christian Democracy was disrupted as a number of regional activists were unable to take part in it, being summonsed to work at the weekend.

Mahiliou court fails to punish official for insulting local social democrats

31.05.2013 Mahiliou court fails to punish official for insulting local social democrats

Today, on May 31, was the last day of the trial initiated by the Belarusian Social Democratic Party and its member Mikalai Zalozny, in particular. After four hearings, Leninski District Court of Mahiliou in the name of Judge Andrei Yurchanka said he could not identify the author of the slander of one of the oldest Belarusian political parties.

Ban on bike ride under white-red-white flags appealed to UN Human Rights Committee

29.05.2013 Ban on bike ride under white-red-white flags appealed to UN Human Rights Committee

Andrei Tychyna, activist of the Young Front’s Salihorsk office, submitted a complaint to the UN Human Rights Committee against a ban on the bike ride in support of the Belarusian national symbols back in May 2012.

Mahiliou social democrats sue local official over insult

21.05.2013 Mahiliou social democrats sue local official over insult

The Court of Mahiliou Leninski district opened today the hearing of a lawsuit brought by the city’s office of the Belarusian Social Democratic Party against Pavel Shyshou, head of the dormitory service of the “Mahiliouablselbud” state-run enterprise.

Vitsebsk BPF members fined 3 mln over illegal distribution of party’s newsletter

20.05.2013 Vitsebsk BPF members fined 3 mln over illegal distribution of party’s newsletter

Judge Alena Protas found Kastus Smolikau and Leanid Autukhou, both members of the Belarusian Popular Front’s Vitsebsk office, guilty of violating mass media legislation. The BPF members were charged with distributing the newsletter called “Magistrate,” more than 299 copies of which were found by the police. However, the count was conducted in a rather extraordinary way: not by copies but by “big packs” and “thick bundles” – these were the arguments mentioned in court to prove the illegal excess in the edition’s circulation.

BCD Hrodna member appeals fine

16.05.2013 BCD Hrodna member appeals fine

Siarhei Verameyenka, member of the Belarusian Christian Democracy’s Hrodna office, is appealing a fine to Hrodna Regional Court. On May 7 Judge Natallia Kozel of Leninsky District Court of Hrodna sentenced Siarhei Verameyenka to a fine of 2 mln rubles for alleged violation of Article 22.9 (par. 2) - illegal manufacture of printed products.

Health Service assures politician that prisoners are kept in good conditions in Vitsebsk detention center

13.05.2013 Health Service assures politician that prisoners are kept in good conditions in Vitsebsk detention center

Having served five days of arrest at the Vitsebsk detention center for spreading leaflets with invitation to Freedom Day rally, the head of the Vitsebsk regional branch of the Belarusian Popular Front Party Leanid Autukhou had to apply for medical assistance.

Ministry of Justice recognizes actions of Salihorsk District Court as unlawful

13.05.2013 Ministry of Justice recognizes actions of Salihorsk District Court as unlawful

The Ministry of Justice took the side of the "Young Front" activist Andrei Tychyna in his long-standing dispute with the Salihorsk District Court.

Kalinkavichy: prosecutor ignores application of UCP activist Dzianis Rabianok

13.05.2013 Kalinkavichy: prosecutor ignores application of UCP activist Dzianis Rabianok

A Kalinkavichy activist of the United Civil Party Dzianis Rabianok didn't manage to find protection at Kalinkavichy District Prosecutor's Office.

Two Vitsebsk activists to be tried for protest against construction of Nuclear Power Plant

08.05.2013 Two Vitsebsk activists to be tried for protest against construction of Nuclear Power Plant

A member of the Conservative-Christian Party "Belarusian Popular Front" Vital Kavalenka was charged with violating the Law on Mass Events. A week ago similar charges were given to his alley Yan Dziarzhautsau.

Volha Haidukova not allowed to see her son

07.05.2013 Volha Haidukova not allowed to see her son

Aleh Barysevich, an investigator of Vitsebsk KGB Department, refused to allow Volha Haidukova to visit her son, 24-year-old Navapolatsk resident Andrei Haidukou, charged with high treason and kept in the remand prison of the KGB.

06.05.2013 Hrodna: BCD activist to be tried for "Wave of Solidarity"

On 3 May Syarhey Verameyenka, Hrodna member of the organizing committee of the Belarusian Christian Democracy party, was summonsed to a district police department and questioned in connection with his detention by people in mufti at the "Wave of Solidarity" action on 12 March.

Brest: Labor Day action authorized for the first time in 11 years

02.05.2013 Brest: Labor Day action authorized for the first time in 11 years

The May Day rally in Brest was permitted by the authorities for the first time since 2002. On the eve of the event the representatives of the democratic forces who organized the event concluded service agreements with the police, medics and public utilities, which is required for the authorization of mass events.

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