News on the topic: trade unions

12.12.2007 Unlawful Search in Office of Congress of Democratic Trade Unions

The Belarusian Congress of Democratic Trade Unions (BCDTU) lodged a legal application to Ihar Ukrainets, prosecutor of Leninski district of Minsk, in connection with unlawful actions in the office of trade union.

07.12.2007 Search at Office of Belarusian Congress of Democratic Trade Unions

In the evening of 6 December the office of the Belarusian Congress of Democratic Trade Unions was raided by the police.

08.10.2007 Liquidator of Consequence of Chernobyl Accident Gets Sacked

The worker of the Polymir public corporation Aliaksandr Ustsin was fired for ?absence from work without good excuse’.

07.09.2007 Trade Union Activist Siarhei Antusevich Detained on the Border again

Siarhei Antusevich, the chair of the primary unit of the Belarusian independent trade union at the open company Hrodna Azot (Hrodna Nitrogen) has been again thoroughly searched by the Belarusian customs officers on the Polish border.

22.08.2007 Administration of ‘Hrodna Azot’ Plant Pressurizes Independent Trade Union

The administration of the open company Hrodna Azot (Hrodna Nitrogen) has started pressurizing members of the Belarusian Independent Trade Union in order to make them leave it and join a pro-governmental trade union Belkhimprafsayuz (Belarusian Chemical Trade Union).

07.08.2007 Brest: Trade Union Holds Picket against Repeal of Social Benefits

The picket was held by the Belarusian Trade Union of Radio Electronic Trade. According to the trade union’s press secretary Mikalai Herasimenka, the picket was authorized by the authorities and took place at Lakamatyu stadium, 4.30 to 7 p.m. At 5 p.m. there gathered about 25 persons of different age and social background: students, workers and pensioners, including several representatives of the Party of Communists of Belarus. The picketers protested also against the increase of the fees for public utilities, the contract system and low pensions.

07.08.2007 Homel: Trade Union Activist Demands Disproval of Libel about His Son

Leanid Sudalenka, a legal expert with the Union of Electronic Industry Workers, has demanded that a state-run newspaper in the Homel region should retract what he calls a libelous story about his son.

27.06.2007 CEC Refuses to Register Initiative Group for Amending Labor Legislation

The goal of the initiative group was to cancel the contract system through a national referendum.

25.06.2007 Entrepreneurs Found Trade Union

A founding conference of “Self-Employment” entrepreneurs' trade union was held in Vitebsk.

21.06.2007 Smaliavichy: Trade Union Office Robbed

Unknown people have broken out a window grating and robbed the office of the Trade Union of Radio Electronic Trade in Smaliavichy. According to the chair of the primary unit of the Belarusian RET in Smaliavichy Valery Sachyuka, it is already the third robbing during the year.

20.06.2007 'Stop Writing or We’ll Kill You and Your Family'

While on duty, unknown persons severely beat Aliaksandr Berasneu, member of the trade union of Radio Electronic Trade from Buda-Kashaliova district. He has brain concussion and numerous bone fractures.

13.06.2007 Belarus Included into ILO Report’s Special Paragraph

A special paragraph has been devoted to Belarus in the report of the International Labor Conference. The BelaPAN agency has been informed about that by the International Labor Organization (ILO) representative, Chief of the Secretariat for the Commission of Inquiry Karen Curtis. This decision, she underlined, means that the situation with trade unions rights in Belarus is ˜one of the serious cases to which the ILO should pay serious attention’.

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