News for 15 Aug 2012

Slutsk: head of electoral headquarters of prospective candidate of “Tell the Truth!” appeals ideologist’s actions

15.08.2012 Slutsk: head of electoral headquarters of prospective candidate of “Tell the Truth!” appeals ideologist’s actions

Yuliya Balakir, the head of the electoral headquarters of a candidate of the civil initiative “Tell the Truth!” Aliaksandr Solap, appealed actions of the deputy head of the Slutsk District Executive Committee on ideology Larysa Dabravolskaya to the commission of the constituency election commission # 67 and the Central Election Commission.

Mahiliou KGB interferes with electoral process

15.08.2012 Mahiliou KGB interferes with electoral process

On 14 August a KGB officer paid a visit to Uladzislau Yarashou, a student of the Mahiliou State University named after Arkadz Kuliashou who collects signatures in support of the candidacy of a member of the “For Freedom” Movement Uladzimir Punchanka.

Polatsk: prosecutor's office finds nothing illegal in canvassing at work

15.08.2012 Polatsk: prosecutor's office finds nothing illegal in canvassing at work

Election observer Yury Belski filed two addresses to the Polatsk City Prosecutor's Office during the canvassing campaign. In the both cases described by him representatives of the electoral team of a pro-governmental candidate Natallia Huivik who were state officials collected signatures in support of her candidacy during the working hours.

Salihorsk observers visit 6 election commissions: none of them work

15.08.2012 Salihorsk observers visit 6 election commissions: none of them work

On 14 August election observer Uladzimir Shyla visited three precinct election commissions - #12, #13 and #14. None of them worked at about 5 p.m., though the working day ends at 7 p.m.

Siarhei Vazniak asks Central Election Commission to review rules of determination of places for electoral agitation

15.08.2012 Siarhei Vazniak asks Central Election Commission to review rules of determination of places for electoral agitation

Siarhei Vazniak, a representative of the Belarusian leftist party “Fair World”, applied to the Central Election Commission with the request to abolish the ruling of the Hrushauskaya constituency election commission #98 about the determination of places for electoral agitation.

Yanina Liasneuskaya appealed against court verdict on children's coloring books

15.08.2012 Yanina Liasneuskaya appealed against court verdict on children's coloring books

Yanina Liasneuskaya, an activist of the “Our House” civil campaign, appealed the verdict of the Orsha District and City Court concerning the distribution of children's coloring books which allegedly promoted violence to the Vitsebsk Region Court.

Baranavichy: observers asks prosecutor to discriminate into forgery of minutes of commission's sitting

15.08.2012 Baranavichy: observers asks prosecutor to discriminate into forgery of minutes of commission's sitting

Election observer Siarhei Housha is convinced that the head of constituency election commission #5 Tatsiana Latyshava and its secretary Tatsiana Latyshava have forged minutes of sitting #1 of the commission.

Hlybokaye prosecutor's office is looking of “Tell the Truth” activist Yaraslau Bernikovich

15.08.2012 Hlybokaye prosecutor's office is looking of “Tell the Truth” activist Yaraslau Bernikovich

The most probable reason of the summons to the prosecutor's office is the call to help to adherents of boycott, published at his Facebook account. Journalist Kastus Shytal, who wrote about Bernikovich's initiative at the independent regional website, has been already interrogated about it.

Brest: Hanna Kanius gets warned by election commission

15.08.2012 Brest: Hanna Kanius gets warned by election commission

The head of the Brest organization of the Belarusian Social Democratic Party (Hramada) Hanna Kanius who awaits registration as a candidate for the Parliament at Brest-Western election constituency #1, received a warning from the constituency election commission.

15.08.2012 Radio “Racyja” journalist gets a warning

Officers of the prosecutor’s office told Henadz Barbarych that they had listened to all his programs made in 2011 and they had lots of disagreement. Henadz Barbarych was summoned to Minsk prosecutor’s office in connection with a check-up of Radio Racyia activities, started after the searches on May 2.

Human Rights Defenders join the campaign of the Belarusian Association of Journalists for the release of Siarhei Basharymau and Anton Surapin

15.08.2012 Human Rights Defenders join the campaign of the Belarusian Association of Journalists for the release of Siarhei Basharymau and Anton Surapin

The Human Rights Center “Viasna” joined the initiative of the Belarusian Association of Journalists aimed at the change of the restraint to journalist Anton Surapin who has been kept in the pre-trial prison of the KGB since 13 July. The human rights defenders also solicit for the change of the restraint to real estate agent Siarhei Basharymau, who, together with Surapin, received charges of assistance to unlawful crossing of the state boundary of the Republic of Belarus (Part 6 of Article 16 and Part 3 of Article 371 of the Criminal Code) and their release on bail.

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