News for 7 Oct 2015

Report on the results of monitoring of the second day of early voting at the elections of President of the Republic of Belarus in 2015

07.10.2015 Report on the results of monitoring of the second day of early voting at the elections of President of the Republic of Belarus in 2015

The early voting started at the elections of President of the Republic of Belarus started on October 6 in conformity with the Electoral Code of the Republic of Belarus.

Two observers get deprived of accreditation

07.10.2015 Two observers get deprived of accreditation

As reported by the movement “For Freedom”, Piatro Markelau, an observer of the Movement "For Freedom" from the campaign "Right to Elect" has been deprived of accreditation.

Premiere of film “Six Arguments against Death Penalty” held in Vilnius (videos)

07.10.2015 Premiere of film “Six Arguments against Death Penalty” held in Vilnius (videos)

Premiere of the film cycle "Six Arguments against the Death Penalty" was held October 7 during the discussion "Murder on Verdict" in the Museum of Genocide Victims in Vilnius. The event, which is held within the Week against the Death Penalty, was organized by the Belarusian Human Rights House named after Barys Zvoskau and the international non-governmental organization Freedom House.

Results of expert examination of “Viasna” report on situation of human rights in Belarus for 2014 still unknown after six months

07.10.2015 Results of expert examination of “Viasna” report on situation of human rights in Belarus for 2014 still unknown after six months

March 13, 2015, Ašmiany customs officers seized more than 40 copies of the brochure “Situation of Human Rights in Belarus in 2014. Review-Chronicle” from the Smarhoń human rights activist Ales Dzerhachou while he was crossing the border.

Baranavičy: discrepancy in number of voters on October 6 is 104 persons

07.10.2015 Baranavičy: discrepancy in number of voters on October 6 is 104 persons

As a result of the first day of early voting at polling station No. 20, located in school No. 15, Hayavaya Str., 15 in Baranavičy, there was discovered a large discrepancy in the number of the voters who allegedly cast their votes. In the final protocol that was hanged out by the precinct election commission at 7 p.m. on October 6, this number was 143 persons, whereas indepdendent observers counted only 39.

Belarusian Embassy in Germany doesn't care for human rights

07.10.2015 Belarusian Embassy in Germany doesn't care for human rights

Activists of Amnesty International tried to pass to the Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in Germany several hundred postcards with the demands to respect human rights. However, the embassy refused to accept them. The action is dated to the upcoming presidential elections.

Workers of enterprises and dwellers of hostels are forced to vote early

07.10.2015 Workers of enterprises and dwellers of hostels are forced to vote early

On the very first day of early voting, October 6, “Human Rights Defenders for Free Elections” started getting reports from concerned citizens, who register violations of the electoral legislation.

Brest: UCP activist to be dismissed from work after participation in electoral campaign

07.10.2015 Brest: UCP activist to be dismissed from work after participation in electoral campaign

A member of the United Civil Party who had actively collected signatures for the nomination of the UCP Chairman Anatol Liabedzka as a candidate for presidency, has received a notice from the Brest Electromechanical Plant that her labor contract would not be extended.

Mahilioŭ: campaigning poster in support of Lukashenka hangs at polling station No. 42

07.10.2015 Mahilioŭ: campaigning poster in support of Lukashenka hangs at polling station No. 42

As reported by an independent observer Nadzeya Shkadun, the campaigning poster hangs at the informational stand located inside the polling station, side by side with information about all four presidential candidates.

Investigation of case of graffiti artists extended until November

07.10.2015 Investigation of case of graffiti artists extended until November

These days, a suspect in the “graffiti case” Yaraslau Ulyanenkau has received a notice from the Investigative Committee about the extension of the preliminary investigation.

Homieĺ: observer is forbidden to take photocopy of protocol of voting

07.10.2015 Homieĺ: observer is forbidden to take photocopy of protocol of voting

October 7, the long term observer of the campaign "Human Rights Defenders for Free Elections" Leanid Sudalenka appealed to the chairman of the Saviecki District Electoral Commission of Homieĺ Alena Herashchanka.

Brest: Deputy Dean/observer forbids students to tell about forcing to early voting

07.10.2015 Brest: Deputy Dean/observer forbids students to tell about forcing to early voting

Students of Brest State Technical University have complained that they were forced to vote early. Independent journalists tried to find out the details and do interviews with the students who came to the polling station, but a worker of the university who introduced herself as an observer started interfering with their work.

Flash-mob against deployment of foreign airbases held in Slonim

07.10.2015 Flash-mob against deployment of foreign airbases held in Slonim

The flash-mob took place ijn Pieršamajskaja Street in central Slonim on October 6. Several people in hare masks got photographed while holding a streamer reading “No to foreign airbases in Belarus”.

Belarusian Social Democratic Party denied in holding rally on Day of Struggle for Decent Working Conditions

07.10.2015 Belarusian Social Democratic Party denied in holding rally on Day of Struggle for Decent Working Conditions

This was reported by the Chairman of the Belarusian Social Democratic Party (Hramada) Aliaksei Sihayeu.

30 observers get expelled from polling stations in Orša

07.10.2015 30 observers get expelled from polling stations in Orša

October 6 they were expelled on the first day of early voting, though there have been no problems with registration and visiting polling stations until that day.

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