News for 6 Oct 2010

06.10.2010 Polatsk: collectors of signatures in support of Uladzimir Niakliayeu weren’t let in dormitory

The janitor of dormitory #2 of Polatsk State University twice refused to let in collectors of signatures for Uladzimir Niakliayeu, a potential candidate for the presidential position.

06.10.2010 Babruisk: pressurization of members of Vital Rymasheuski’s electoral team continues

The people who call themselves representatives of the Ministry of Justice started paying visits to representatives of the electoral team of Vital Rymasheuski.

Mahiliou: more places for collecting signatures

06.10.2010 Mahiliou: more places for collecting signatures

The Mahiliou City Executive Committee changed some points of its ruling About determining the places that are banned for picketing with the aim of collecting signatures for the nomination of candidates for President of the Republic of Belarus.

Salihorsk authorities beat a retreat: signatures can be collected in more places

06.10.2010 Salihorsk authorities beat a retreat: signatures can be collected in more places

Following the hard criticism of the local human rights defenders the Salihorsk District Executive Committee introduced changes to its previous ruling that determined the places where it was banned to hold electoral pickets.

06.10.2010 Slonim: activation of ‘Belaya Rus’

In Slonim district, signatures for Aliaksandr Lukashenka are most actively collected in the rural areas, often by representatives of such state NGOs as Belaya Rus and the Belarusian Republican Youth Union.

Svietlahorsk: court dismisses complaint against non-inclusion of oppositionist in district election commission

06.10.2010 Svietlahorsk: court dismisses complaint against non-inclusion of oppositionist in district election commission

The case was considered by the Deputy Chairperson of the Svietlahorsk District Court Halina Svidunovich. Predictably enough, the complaint was dismissed and the ruling of the Svietlahorsk District Executive Committee and the Presidium of the Svietlahorsk District Council about the formation of the Svietlahorsk District Election Commission was found lawful. Thus, the local entrepreneur, representative of the Belarusian Leftist Party Fair World Henadz Zhuleha wasn’t included in the commission.

Minsk: members of electoral teams of opposition candidates not let in hostels of enterprises

06.10.2010 Minsk: members of electoral teams of opposition candidates not let in hostels of enterprises

Bohuslau Unhur, a member of the electoral team of Uladzimir Niakliayeu, said he wanted to collect signatures in the dormitory of the Minsk factory of silicate products in Prylukskaya Street, 50.

Leanid Haravy complains to procuracy about violation of his electoral rights

06.10.2010 Leanid Haravy complains to procuracy about violation of his electoral rights

The member of the Belarusian Social Democratic Party Hramada and member of the council of the For Freedom movement Leanid Haravy wasn’t included in the Haradok District Election Commission. He thinks that it is a result of the negative characteristic of his person by the deputy chairperson of the Haradok District Executive Committee. Mr. Haravy decided to apply to the procuracy after the Haradok DEC ignored his complaint.

Liozna officials react to remarks of ‘Human Rights Defenders for Free Elections’

06.10.2010 Liozna officials react to remarks of ‘Human Rights Defenders for Free Elections’

Information about the presidential election finally appeared at the website of the Liozna District Executive Committee, though it used to be the only website of a district executive committee on the Vitsebsk region that had no information about it.

New facts of forced signing in support of Aliaksandr Lukashenka’s candidacy

06.10.2010 New facts of forced signing in support of Aliaksandr Lukashenka’s candidacy

The electoral teams of the potential candidates for the presidential position are getting more active in Zhodzina. The electoral pickets of the representative of the United Civil Party Yaraslau Ramanchuk, the leader of the civil campaign European Belarus Andrei Sannikau and the leader of the Speak Truth campaign Uladzimir Niakliayeu have been working for three days already.

06.10.2010 Baranavichy: Yaraslau Hryshchenia was given summons to military enlistment office while collecting signatures

On 5 September an officer of the Baranavichy Town Military Enlistment Office presented a summons to the local activist Yaraslau Hryshchenia while he was collecting signatures at an electoral picket in the center of Baranavichy. According to the summons, he must come to the military enlistment office at 9 a.m. on 8 October.

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